- How to create: To create a DeathStar, a piece must make a move to another square after the player has selected it from the item list, provided there are DeathStars available.
- Building: The resulting DeathStar occupies the position that the piece occupied before its move.
- Restrictions: If there is an ally (or own) piece in the DeathStar's construction square, its construction does not take place.
- Influence area: A DeathStar has an attack area of influence of three contiguous squares directed towards a diagonal near the square where it is located.
- Arrangement: A DeathStar can be arranged pointing at square 1, 6, 37 or 42.
- Capture of pieces by the DeathStar: If a piece of an opposing team piece is placed in the area of influence of the player owning the DeathStar, it is captured.
- Scoring: A capture of a piece by a DeathStar adds one point to the owning player and their team.
- Capture of a DeathStar: If an opposing team piece is placed on the same square occupied by a DeathStar, it is captured.
- Capture of your team's DeathStar: It is possible to capture an ally DeathStar.
- DeathStar's capture while building and disassembling: If a DeathStar is built at the same time that an oppopent's piece moves to the same square, the DeathStar is built and destroyed consequently. The DeathStar eliminates the opponent's pieces within its reach, but it does not add score in favour of the player or their team.